速報APP / 健康塑身 / Ab workouts for men and women

Ab workouts for men and women



檔案大小:49.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:德語, 英語, 西班牙文, 北方薩米文

Ab workouts for men and women(圖1)-速報App

Imagine yourself on the beach. Sun, clear blue-water, cocktail in your hand… and a flat stomach you aren’t embarrassed to show off. Relax! You are just a step away from that dream.

Take a look at what we have prepared just for you.

The Free version of this app gives you:

• More than 60 ab video workouts

• Fitness models demonstrating all exercises

• Supported with narration and workout music

• Additional tips for beginners and for pros

The premium version will be yours for a price, uncomparable to an abnormally high gym membership, personal trainer’s fees or personalized plans designed by a nutritionist:

Ab workouts for men and women(圖2)-速報App

Workout Plan:

• You don’t need any fancy or expensive equipment — just a simple exercise mat. All workouts are constructed to be performed in the comfort of your home.

• 3-month trainings, arranged in 10 weekly cycles, designed by our fitness experts especially for your needs.

• Trainings are adjusted to the capabilities and needs of all — beginners, intermediate athletes or advanced athletes.

• Weekly workout cycles include different cardiovascular programs, either an easy warm up or high-intensity routine. Fat-burning cardio workouts will melt your belly away for sure.

• Spine-strengthening exercises are intertwined with workouts for your abdominal wall. We will build your abs and protect your back muscles at the same time.

Nutrition Plan:

• A weekly nutrition plan with all meals is designed especially for you — according to your current weight or the weight you want to achieve.

• Our 7-day menu includes replacement suggestions and additional ideas you may like. You will be able to build your own diet.

Ab workouts for men and women(圖3)-速報App

• We will teach you what, when and how much you should eat. You will learn how to cook more lean and how to eat healthier.

• With up to 5 or 6 healthy meals a day you will never feel hungry. Quality nutrition will blast that stubborn fat of yours.

• This is not a diet – it’s a nutrition-focused lifestyle and a clean start for new eating habits. Approved and promoted by thousands of nutritionists and personal trainers all around the world.

Free access to our community

• You will have a free access to a large SteadyHealth community, where you will join thousands of people just like you, discussing questions about nutrition or workouts.

One App on More Mobile Devices

• Available for Apple iPhone and iPad

• With one purchase you will be able to install this app to all your iOS-based mobile phones or tablets.

Follow this workout and nutrition plan and success is guaranteed!

Ab workouts for men and women(圖4)-速報App

Most people report weight loss, more toned muscles and boost of self-esteem in less than 3 weeks.

Ab workouts for men and women(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad